The modern CRVS system in Afghanistan was established in 1977 under the Ministry of Interior, and a special section of the Central Statistics Office was created in 1978 for analyzing and evaluating CRVS data. In 2019, the civil registration authority became part of the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) which maintains four main functions and responsibilities: statistics; geographic information systems; system development; and, national identity registration.
There are registration offices in 364 districts with supervision and training in birth and death registration. The NSIA is also responsible for the calculation of indicators, compilation of collected information, statistical analysis, report writing and the dissemination of vital statistics. Another key ministry for CRVS in Afghanistan is the Ministry of Public Health which is responsible for the collection of vital statistics data through health facilities and the health information management systems.
Legislation mandates that all civil events such as births, deaths, marriage, and divorce are to be reported, with all births to be registered within three months and deaths within one. There are currently no penalties for non-reporting and the registration of vital events is not widely practiced by the population. Birth registration occurs predominantly at health centers and there are no fees for registration. It is not necessary to have a birth certificate to gain entry to school. However, it is mandatory to have a national identification card.
Mr. Hasibullah Mowahed, Deputy Director General on Professional Affairs
Goal 1. Universal civil registration of births, deaths and other vital events |
Goal 1 Targets:
Goal 2. All individuals are provided with legal documentation of civil registration of births, deaths and other vital events, as necessary, to claim identity, civil status and ensuing rights |
Goal 2 Targets:
Goal 3. Accurate, complete and timely vital statistics (including on causes of death) are produced based on registration records and are disseminated |
Goal 3 Targets:
Goal 1. Universal civil registration of births, deaths and other vital events |
Goal 1 is an expression of the internationally accepted principle of the universal coverage of civil registration. The CRVS system should register all vital events occurring in the territory and jurisdiction of the country or area, including among hard-to-reach and marginalized populations.
National Targets:
Note: This country has not submitted estimates for the number of births for all years. The level of completeness of birth registration was therefore assessed with international estimates for every year, to allow comparison. These measurements are therefore to be interpreted with caution.
Note: This country has not submitted estimates for the number of deaths for all years. The level of completeness of death registration was therefore assessed with international estimates for every year, to allow comparison. These measurements are therefore to be interpreted with caution.
Goal 2. All individuals are provided with legal documentation of civil registration of births, deaths and other vital events, as necessary, to claim identity, civil status and ensuing rights |
Goal 2 reflects that CRVS systems provide legal documentation of civil registration to individuals and families for legal and administrative purposes. Legal documentation is strongly linked with a broad range of rights and activities, in particular legal identity. This goal addresses the distinction between the civil registration of a vital event and the possession of formal proof that it took place, in the form of legal documentation.
National Targets:
Goal 3. Accurate, complete and timely vital statistics (including on causes of death) are produced based on registration records and are disseminated |
Goal 3 highlights the critical importance of civil registration being linked to the production and quality assurance of vital statistics on the occurrence and characteristics of vital events.
National Targets:
Note: This target was not monitored as part of the Midterm Questionnaire on the Implementation of the Regional Action Framework for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific.
Note: In light of recent countries’ experiences, Verbal autopsy is not encouraged to be applied to a large population scale, but rather on a representative sample. To reflect this, Target 3E is not anymore monitored by the coverage percentage of Verbal autopsy, but by the use or not of Verbal autopsy and its different applications.

National Coordination Mechanism
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

Comprehensive Assessment
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

National Targets for 2024
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

Monitoring & Reporting Plan
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

Inequality Assessment
Status in Afghanistan: Not started

National Strategy
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

National Focal Point
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

Reporting to ESCAP - Baseline
Status in Afghanistan: Complete

Reporting to ESCAP - Midterm
Status in Afghanistan: Complete