The 8 implementation steps build off the principle that national governments must take the lead in implementing change to their national CRVS systems. Within countries, the implementation of the Regional Action Framework should be overseen by the national CRVS coordination mechanism, but work in collaboration with development partners operating within national contexts.
- Target achieved
- Work in progress
- Work not started
- No data

1. National Coordination Mechanism
Establish an effective and sustainable national CRVS coordination mechanism comprising all relevant stakeholders. For more information...

2. Comprehensive Assessment
Conduct a standards-based comprehensive assessment of CRVS in their territory,[1] which is inclusive of all relevant stakeholders, for the purpose of identifying gaps and making recommendations that will be the foundation of a comprehensive multisectoral national CRVS strategy. For more information...

3. National Targets for 2024
Set the national target value for each target, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, and report these to the ESCAP secretariat. For more information...

4. Monitoring & Reporting Plan
Develop and implement a plan for monitoring and reporting on achievement of the targets, including on reporting to the ESCAP secretariat. For more information...

5. Inequality Assessment
Assess inequalities related to CRVS experienced by subgroups of the population, including among hard-to-reach and marginalized populations and particular geographic areas and administrative subdivisions, and, where appropriate, set national targets to address those inequalities. For more information...

6. National CRVS Strategy
Develop and implement a comprehensive multisectoral national CRVS strategy, aligned, where appropriate, with the action areas of the Regional Action Framework, with political commitment, adequate funding, and a clear delineation of responsibilities for stakeholders to establish accountability for the implementation. For more information...

7. National Focal Point
Assign a national focal point within the Government that is responsible for coordinating with the ESCAP secretariat and development partners. For more information...

8.1 Reporting baseline data
Through the national focal point, report relevant information to the ESCAP secretariat or subregional body, as appropriate, in accordance with the reporting structure for the Regional Action Framework. For more information...

8.2 Reporting midterm data
Through the national focal point, report relevant information to the ESCAP secretariat or subregional body, as appropriate, in accordance with the reporting structure for the Regional Action Framework. For more information...