Event Details
The Second meeting of the South-East Asia Civil Registration Professionals Network will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 14-16 January 2025. The meeting is organized to support and encourage progress towards meeting commitments by governments in Asia and the Pacific to the shared vision as contained in the Ministerial Declaration to “Get Every One in the Picture”.
The meeting will facilitate discussions on key CRVS achievements in South-East Asia which will be highlighted at the Third Ministerial Conference on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific (24-26 June 2025) and at the South-East Asia sub-regional forum to be held on 23 June 2025. The discussions will also include a focus on digitalization of registration systems, inclusivity and resilience in civil registration and vital statistics systems as well as the 2025 review of progress in implementing the Regional Action Framework for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific. The Government of Cambodia will host visits to relevant registration facilities and health centres.
(The first meeting of the SEA Civil Registrars Network was held in Manila, Philippines on 7-9 February 2023.)